A Brief Tour of the Eleventy Static Site Generator

Eleventy (or 11ty) is a static site generator that allows developers to build static websites from various template languages. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and support for multiple templating engines. Here's a brief tour of Eleventy:

  1. Installation:
    • You can install Eleventy using npm (Node Package Manager).
    • Open your terminal and run:
                              npm install -g @11ty/eleventy

  2. Project Setup:
    • Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it.
    • Run the following command to initiate a new Eleventy project:
                              npx eleventy

  3. Configuration:
    • Eleventy allows you to configure your project using a .eleventy.js configuration file.
    • You can customize settings such as input and output directories, templating engines, and more.
  4. Content Organization:
    • Organize your content in the input directory (default is _src).
    • Common file types include Markdown, HTML, and template files (e.g., Nunjucks, Handlebars).
  5. Template Engines:
    • Eleventy supports various templating engines like Nunjucks, Liquid, Handlebars, and more.
    • Choose your preferred engine and create templates for your pages.
  6. Data Files:
    • You can use data files (JavaScript, JSON, YAML) to provide data to your templates.
    • Data files can be placed in the _data directory.
  7. Layouts:
    • Define reusable layouts for your site in the _includes/layouts directory.
    • Templates can extend or include these layouts.
  8. Collections:
    • Eleventy allows you to create collections of content.
    • Collections are useful for grouping related content, such as blog posts or projects.
  9. Pagination:
    • Implement pagination easily for long lists of content using Eleventy's built-in pagination features.
  10. Markdown and HTML Processing:
    • Eleventy automatically processes Markdown and HTML files.
    • You can include front matter in your Markdown files for metadata.
  11. Command-Line Usage:
    • Build your site by running:

                                  npx eleventy

    • Serve your site locally for development:

                                  npx eleventy --serve

  12. Output:
    • The output is generated in the _site directory by default (configurable).
    • This directory contains the static HTML files ready for deployment.
  13. Deployment:
    • Deploy your static site to any hosting service (Netlify, GitHub Pages, Vercel, etc.).
    • Since it generates static files, hosting is simple and can be done on various platforms.
  14. Community and Documentation:
    • Eleventy has an active community, and its documentation is comprehensive.
    • You can find additional plugins and resources on the official website and GitHub repository.
  15. Extensibility:
    • Eleventy is extensible, and you can use plugins to enhance its functionality.
    • Developers often contribute plugins to the Eleventy ecosystem.

Eleventy is a versatile static site generator suitable for various types of projects. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a popular choice for developers who prefer a minimal setup with the freedom to choose their preferred tools and workflows.

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