How include work in Angular Js?

In AngularJS, the ng-include directive is used to include external HTML fragments (or templates) into an AngularJS application. It allows you to modularize your application by breaking it into smaller components or views and then including these components where needed.

The ng-include directive can be used in various ways:

  1. Including an External HTML File:

                        <div ng-include="'path/to/template.html'"></div>

    This will load the content of template.html into the


  2. Using a Scope Variable:

    You can also bind the file path to a scope variable:

                        <div ng-include="templatePath"></div>

    In the controller:

                        $scope.templatePath = 'path/to/template.html';

  3. Loading Templates Conditionally:

    ng-include can be used within ng-if or other conditional statements to load templates conditionally:

                        <div ng-if="showTemplate" ng-include="'path/to/template.html'"></div>

    Where showTemplate is a variable in the controller's scope.

  4. Using Expressions:

    You can also use expressions in ng-include to dynamically determine the template path:

                        <div ng-include="'path/to/' + templateName + '.html'"></div>

    Here, templateName is a variable in the scope.

  5. Events and Re-evaluating ng-include:

    If the included content needs to change dynamically based on some event or condition change, you can re-evaluate the ng-include attribute value:

                        <div ng-include="templatePath"></div>
                        <button ng-click="changeTemplate()">Change Template</button>                    

                        $scope.templatePath = 'path/to/template1.html';
                        $scope.changeTemplate = function() {
                          $scope.templatePath = 'path/to/template2.html';

    Clicking the button will change the included template from template1.html to template2.html.

ng-include is a useful directive in AngularJS for modularizing and reusing HTML templates or components across an application. It helps in maintaining a more structured and manageable codebase by breaking down views into smaller, reusable components.

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