How To Use Namespaces in TypeScript

In TypeScript, namespaces provide a way to organize code by encapsulating functionality within a named scope. Namespaces help prevent naming collisions and make it easier to structure larger codebases. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use namespaces in TypeScript:

Creating a Namespace:

            namespace MyNamespace {
                export interface MyInterface {
                  // Define interface properties and methods
                  name: string;
                  age: number;
                  // ...
                export class MyClass {
                  // Define class properties and methods
                  constructor(private name: string) {}
                  // ...
                export function myFunction() {
                  // Define functions
                  // ...

Accessing Members within the Namespace:

            // Access interface within the namespace
            let myObj: MyNamespace.MyInterface = {
              name: 'John',
              age: 25,
            // Access class within the namespace
            let instance = new MyNamespace.MyClass('Alice');
            // Access function within the namespace

Importing and Using Namespaces:


            // Import the namespace
            import MyNamespace = MyOtherNamespace.MyNamespace;
            // Use members of the imported namespace
            let obj: MyNamespace.MyInterface = { name: 'Sarah', age: 30 };
            let myInstance = new MyNamespace.MyClass('Bob');

Important Notes:
  • Use export keyword to expose interfaces, classes, functions, etc., outside the namespace.
  • Namespaces can be split across multiple files, but you need to use /// /// <reference path="path/to/namespaceFile.ts" /> to reference files that contribute to the same namespace.
  • For modern TypeScript projects, consider using ES6 modules (import and export) instead of namespaces, as namespaces can sometimes lead to complexity and potential issues with module systems.

Namespaces are handy for organizing code, but as TypeScript evolves, module-based approaches are generally preferred due to better maintainability, scalability, and compatibility with modern JavaScript module systems.

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