What is the purpose of the <details> and <summary> elements in HTML-5

The <details> and <summary> elements in HTML5 are used to create an interactive widget that allows you to hide and show content.

The <details> element is a container that wraps the content you want to hide or show. It's like a collapsible container or an accordion panel that can be expanded or collapsed.

The <summary> element is used as the title or heading for the content inside the <details> element. When you click on the summary, it toggles the visibility of the content within the <details> element.

Here's a basic example:

                <summary>Click to see more</summary>
                <p>This content can be hidden or shown by clicking the summary.</p>

By default, the content inside the <details> element is hidden, but clicking on the <summary> element toggles its visibility, showing or hiding the enclosed content. This feature is commonly used for FAQ sections, content that needs to be shown on demand, or any information that users might want to hide initially for a cleaner interface.

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