How To Restart Your Node.js Apps Automatically with nodemon

Restarting Node.js apps automatically during development is a common need, and nodemon is a popular tool for achieving this. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Install nodemon: If you haven't already installed nodemon globally, you can do so via npm (Node Package Manager) by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

                        npm install -g nodemon

  2. Navigate to your project directory: Open your terminal or command prompt, and navigate to the directory where your Node.js application is located.
  3. Start your Node.js application with nodemon: Instead of running your Node.js application directly, you'll use nodemon to start it. This allows nodemon to monitor changes to your files and automatically restart the application when necessary. To start your application with nodemon, simply run:

                        nodemon your_app.js

    Replace your_app.js with the main file of your Node.js application.

  4. Custom Configuration (Optional): If you have a specific configuration for your nodemon setup, you can create a nodemon.json file in your project's root directory. This file can include options like ignoring certain files or directories, specifying which file to watch, or setting up environment variables. For example:

                            "ignore": ["*.test.js", "node_modules/"],
                            "watch": ["src/"],
                            "execMap": {
                              "js": "node --harmony"

    This configuration tells nodemon to ignore test files and the node_modules directory, watch only the src directory for changes, and use node --harmony to execute JavaScript files.

  5. Enjoy automatic restarts: Now, whenever you make changes to your Node.js files, nodemon will automatically detect these changes and restart your application, making the development process smoother and more efficient.

By using nodemon, you can focus on writing code without the need to manually stop and restart your Node.js application every time you make changes.

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