How To Set Up a Kafka Consumer to Receive Data Through CLI

To set up a Kafka consumer to receive data through the command-line interface (CLI), you can use the Kafka command-line tools provided by Apache Kafka. Here's a step-by-step guide.

  1. Install Kafka: If you haven't already installed Kafka, you can do so by downloading it from the Apache Kafka website and following the installation instructions for your operating system.
  2. Start Kafka and Zookeeper: Before setting up a consumer, you need to start Kafka and Zookeeper. Navigate to your Kafka installation directory and run Zookeeper and Kafka servers using the following commands.

                        bin/ config/

                        bin/ config/

  3. Create a Kafka Topic: If you haven't already created a Kafka topic, you can do so using the following command:

                        bin/ --create --topic my-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

  4. Start a Kafka Consumer: Now, you can start a Kafka consumer to receive data from the specified topic. Use the following command:

                        bin/ --topic my-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

    Replace my-topic with the name of the Kafka topic you want to consume messages from. The --bootstrap-server option specifies the Kafka broker to connect to. By default, it's localhost:9092.

  5. Receive Data: Once the Kafka consumer is running, it will start receiving messages published to the specified topic. You can see the messages displayed in the terminal in real-time.
  6. Interact with the Consumer:
    • To stop the consumer, press Ctrl+C.
    • You can specify additional options to customize the consumer behavior, such as setting a group ID, configuring message offset, or specifying a property file for consumer configuration.

That's it! You've set up a Kafka consumer to receive data through the command-line interface. You can now consume messages from Kafka topics and process them as needed.

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