How To Work With Zip Files in Node.js

Working with zip files in Node.js involves using third-party libraries as Node.js doesn't provide built-in support for zip file manipulation. One of the popular libraries for handling zip files in Node.js is adm-zip. Below are the steps to work with zip files using adm-zip:

  1. Install adm-zip:

    You can install adm-zip using npm:

                        npm install adm-zip

  2. Extracting Files from a Zip Archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        // Load a zip file
                        const zip = new AdmZip('');
                        // Extract all files to the specified directory
                        zip.extractAllTo(/* target path */, /* overwrite */ true);                    

  3. Adding Files to a Zip Archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        // Create a new zip file
                        const zip = new AdmZip();
                        // Add a file
                        zip.addFile(/* file name */, /* Buffer or content */, /* comment */);
                        // Save the zip file
                        zip.writeZip(/* target path */);                    

  4. Reading Contents of a Zip Archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        // Load a zip file
                        const zip = new AdmZip('');
                        // Get an array of zip entries
                        const zipEntries = zip.getEntries();
                        // Display the contents
                        zipEntries.forEach(zipEntry => {

  5. Extracting a Specific File from a Zip Archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        // Load a zip file
                        const zip = new AdmZip('');
                        // Extract a specific file
                        const zipEntry = zip.getEntry(/* file name */);
                        if (zipEntry) {
                            zip.extractEntryTo(zipEntry, /* target path */, /* maintainEntryPath */ true, /* overwrite */ true);


    Extracting all files from a zip archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        const zip = new AdmZip('');
                        zip.extractAllTo('extracted_files', true);                    

    Adding files to a zip archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        const fs = require('fs');
                        const zip = new AdmZip();
                        const buffer = fs.readFileSync('file.txt');
                        zip.addFile('file.txt', buffer, 'This is a comment');

    Reading contents of a zip archive:

                        const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
                        const zip = new AdmZip('');
                        const zipEntries = zip.getEntries();
                        zipEntries.forEach(zipEntry => {

With adm-zip, you can easily manipulate zip files in Node.js, including extracting, adding, and reading files from zip archives.

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